WCCN Blog: A place to build community and share random thoughts as we ignite a holy passion for God in Worcester among college students

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Tsunami Tragedy

If you are like me, the news coverage of the tsunami and the unbelievable death toll has been beyond comprehension. I urge you to make a donation to a relief organization such as the International Red Cross. If each of us gives what we can, we can make a difference...whether it is $5 or $5,000.

Also, I urge you to email President Bush and ask him to increase our national donation to the effort. We have given 15 million dollars so far, and yet that is a small amount in the face of such a horrendous disaster. His email address is president@whitehouse.gov

Below is a copy of the email that I just sent off to him.

Dear President Bush,

Thank you for the millions of dollars that you have already earmarked for the tsunami tragedy in the Indian Ocean region. Please, Mr. President, would you send more money? We have an obligation as the richest, most generous nation in the world to do even more! In the face of such unbelievable tragedy it is not only the Christian thing to do (speaking as a believer myself) but it is the humane thing and the political thing to do! We need to do more because it is the right thing to do... it will also be a testimony to our enemies that we are doers of the right thing as well. But most important is to do good where we can because we have been blessed and have an obligation to bless others.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Joanne Rojas


Blogger Joanne said...

The good news is that the US Government, individuals, churches, workplaces, etc. have reallly come through on the giving for Tsunami relief effort. Don't forget to keep praying for the victims and to remember that there is so much that still needs to be done for these people who have lost nearly everything. When it's not on the news anymore, they will still need relief!

8:54 AM


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