WCCN Blog: A place to build community and share random thoughts as we ignite a holy passion for God in Worcester among college students

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Spiritual Gifts

Whats up everyone? Well, this week I've been studying spiritual gifts, and I wanted to post a message on here. These are some of the main scriptures I've been reading.

Romans 12:6-8, Ephesians 4:11, I Corinthians 12: 7-10, and 28-30. It has been interesting looking over these scriputres and praying about these. I know there are a lot of like "surveys" and "questionaire" things people have that can assess your spirtual gifts, but I'd encourage you all to read over these verses and ask God to show you what gifts you have according to these verses and then try and find a way in your church or college or wherever to put these gifts to use. It has been real encouraging to me. Also, realize there are some gifts you may know right away you have, but there may be some you have that you don't know about yet, and only through praying and studying that God will reveal them to you :). Later peeps!


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