WCCN Blog: A place to build community and share random thoughts as we ignite a holy passion for God in Worcester among college students

Monday, April 04, 2005

thoughts with t.s.

-things that make you go hmm...
-i just kinda wanted to get on here and blog. i'm not looking for response. i just want to say some things....
-things that make you go hmm...
-i just kinda wanted to get on here and blog. i'm not looking for response. i just want to say some things....
-the english premier league rocks
-if your dad has a "world's greatest dad" item, he's lying to use it, because mine is the greatest!!! seriously
-worcester baptist church is a trip if i ever knew one....especially when i offer up a mid sermon moment from the congregation!
-if you don't know how to play tigerball, you're missing out on life altogether...ok, so just part of it.
-popcorn beans and rice, we're gonna talk about Jesus Christ. here we go dosiedoe, we're gonna walk on streets of gold.
-the campus ministers of the wccn rock...many of you don't know these things and many of you do...i'm going to say them anyway...these things are meant...even though they've all probably pissed me off plenty of times, but i'm really succeptable to that, so most of the time it's probably unmeritted!
-joshua is probably the second person younger than i that i have ever looked up to...that is b/c of his patience in God for people and situations...he is so gifted at listening and sharing with you a biased opinion from what he's learned in his relationship with God. he does it so calmly without arrogance. with josh's three jobs, it's only through his gifts from God that he can do so well with his full plate.
-noah is one of the most people-attracting guys i've ever known. he is 'so good' at making things happen in a group setting, and if you've ever gone to a wccn game night, you've no doubt experienced how much fun he can be. the yearb has done so well with the media these past two semesters. the final thing to say is that he is unbelievably passionate in that which he believes in.
-kyle is as so many would say, 'the coolest." i got to know kyle for the first time by being invited by him to hang out with some international students. i was able to see him at what he is most gifted at, caring for people with the absolute love of Christ. i hope you to can see kyle in action. i am encouraged constantly to see him read the Bible and desire to grow.
-rebecca is a constant encouragement in all she does. if i were her, i would've thrown me aside a long time ago. she is so great at filling her obligation to discipleship.
-stacy has far exceded the low expectations i had for her. she has such a heart for people and has used her gifts to reach out to all, especially international students. although she plays a different style of music, i have seen and heard it bring glory to God.
-many of you may not know joanne, but she rocks face. when i arrived here, i wasn't too excited about being in a ministry under a woman, but God has proven to have a great purpose for her as i have constantly been proven wrong by God in arguments with her! oh, but more than that, time and time again, her leadership has pulled it all together.
-have found that the new england student is hardly any different from the southern student. this is of course in general. i see your want for relationships, fun, the easiest way to get the grades you really desire in school!, and a longing for acceptance and truth. thank you for breaking down those misconceptions for me. maybe i'm wrong. it's often that i am.
-this one may hurt, but i can't help but say it....the greatest thing about being here is being stretched to hang out with and minister to most of you, for the reality is that in a similar situation at the former ministry i was involved in, that would've never happened (it's a great ministry, i'm just not an extremely open guy).
-everytime any of us see hopelessness and fail to share hope (1 peter 3:15), we are not experiencing the full love of God. i know this, b/c i know what it is to share and be accepted, share and be rejected, and reject to share. the first two rock--yes, even rejection--but are much harder than the third. please encourage me and i hope to encourage you to love on people. if you're in the will of God, they're not reject you, but rather God. God will deal with that.
-i'm not leaving until dec., but thank you for making this an experience worth having. pray for me that i would have a friendship with some of you.
-and finally, laugh a little more...that's to anybody who laughs nil or all the time.
the point of having an open mind is the same as having an open mouth, to close it on something solid.
-g.k. chesterton


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree Stacy has far exceeded my expectations too.

-gk cherston

12:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is getting repetitive. I continue to see people like T.S. post on the blog and talk a really good talk. Is the blog going to be a place where we just write what we think life should be like? When are any of you actually going to walk a really good walk. I don't mind picking on T.S. because you never know what mood he's going to be in. When will it stop?

11:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a comment for anonymous. Although I don't know who I'm commenting to:

What are you talking about?! T.S. was just saying nice things about people, a few funny things, and one little bitty encouraging thought at the end. Just speaking his mind.

Are you saying there was something in that blog that T.S. doesn't live? Maybe he only says English Premier League rocks, but he's a hypocrite b/c secretly he doesn't really like it?

Anyway, I was really glad to read T.S.'s post. Maybe people should say how they feel more often, instead of having to write useless fake junk b/c they're afraid anonymous might criticize them.

11:04 AM


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