WCCN Blog: A place to build community and share random thoughts as we ignite a holy passion for God in Worcester among college students

Monday, April 18, 2005

what is a biblical church?

a few of us just got done playing video games, and somehow some of us got on the topic of churches and whatnot (who are those comitted, and who are those that are core and yady yada). one thing discussed was a particular view on what is an aspect of a biblical church. i hear about the subject all the time, and i often throw in my $1.57 (heck, i probably often instigate it as a fun argument sometimes), but never do i or anyone seem to come to a conclusion that any of us ever act on. i want to know what you think a biblical church looks like...that is, any aspect for or agaist what you think one should look like. what are churches doing right and what are they doing wrong? thanks. i'm sure i'll throw in at some point too. wow, i now feel like a blogger geek.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, this may seem crazy sounding but I would not be too quick to point acts 2 as your model. the list of stuff you have is good but i would challenge you to look further into acts. don't stop there.

4:02 PM


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