WCCN Blog: A place to build community and share random thoughts as we ignite a holy passion for God in Worcester among college students

Monday, August 08, 2005

Life is full of many seasons

I never truly knew what a season was when I first moved to Mass. I had moved from Louisiana and Texas, both of which know two seasons...Warm and really hot. However, in Mass there are all four seasons, and each one is beautiful in its own way. Fall has the beautiful leaves, Winter the blinding white snow, Spring has the ever blooming flowers, and Summer has the well, truly I don't know...never got to experience the Mass summer. Each of these seasons is full of beauty and at the same time some disgusting things, like the brown snow slush. Yet to experience the beauty of the next season we have to go through the ugly and the good. Both of which prepare the area for the coming time. This is so much like life though. I have learned over the past couple of years that God has many seasons planned for us. Each of these seasons are both good and ugly, and they even prepare us for what is ahead. It is truly a beautiful thing. I am in a new season in my life, and it has been a tough one so far. The work is ever growing and the time is ever shrinking. I firmly believe though that it is going to get worse, and I am overwhelmed with such joy. For w/o the rough times there would be no good times.
I say all this to encourage the WCCN. I feel the ministry there is in for its toughest year, but I believe it is also in for its most rewarding. God is going to break people, but more importantly, as you come together as an encouraging and loving group...God will build those people back into something more precious and stronger than before. Put into practice Matt 22:37,38 and be ready for the flood, b/c it is coming, and Noah knows floods. Love you guys and gals...I will miss ya.