WCCN Blog: A place to build community and share random thoughts as we ignite a holy passion for God in Worcester among college students

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Are you looking for IGNITE? The weekly worship gathering for college students and young adults from all over Worcester, Massachusetts?

It's held weekly on Thursday nights @ Belmont Street Baptist Church @ 8:30 PM. Come in the side entrance to the cozy basement space! Enjoy small groups, coffee, worship music and more.

For more information, email me hjrojas AT verizon DOT net.

Hope to see you there!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello WCCN,
Happy new year and the best of wishes to back things up in this new year. The harmattan is a little late in coming this year but I'm definitely not complaining. For those of you who don't know, the harmattan is the season in which dry winds called the North East Trade winds blow down south from the Sahara Desert. These winds are very dry and so as opposed to wearing winter clothes, we put on a lot of lotion (shea butter). Anyways, Just some useless information for you.
What's up with me? I've put in a bunch of job apps and I'm waiting to hear back from companies. I'm currently working with my dad to keep me occupied. I have been having problems with accessing my WPI email account even before leaving the US so anyone who sends me emails through that address will not be able to reach me. Hope everyone is doing well. Once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR.

PS. Joanne can you pls send me Nate, Eva, Nicole,Rebecca and Hender's email addresses. My address is gabkwofie@gmail.com

3:17 AM


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