WCCN Blog: A place to build community and share random thoughts as we ignite a holy passion for God in Worcester among college students

Monday, January 23, 2006

Are you ready?

Ignite was re-launched for the semester last Thursday and it was a great time! So many new faces, so much good conversation, and lots of worship. I was so blessed by the time together and am praying for God to do great things this semester.

Come out of the cold and join us as we Ignite Worcester.



Blogger Vernon Bowen said...

Man, I remember when we first figured out the name for that. It was the night Joanne made us eat some weird chicken pizza and some strange salad-covered pizza. Those were the days ...

9:31 PM

Blogger Joanne said...

I'll bet that freaky picture got your attention though, Renee.

And Vernon, as for my taste in pizza, there are tons of WCCN students who love both chicken pizza and vegetarian pizzas. It's the collegiate ministers who are hopelessly unhealthy.

10:22 AM

Blogger Noah said...

Not all the ministers were unhealthy. Josh "The Babe magnet" Reiff was very healthy. As for TS...he did get a little plump.

12:21 AM


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