WCCN Blog: A place to build community and share random thoughts as we ignite a holy passion for God in Worcester among college students

Monday, August 07, 2006

Back from Central Thailand

So I am officially back in Bangkok. My time in Central Thailand was extremely enjoyable. I went around with a group called Sattha Soccer. Sattha means faith in Pasa Thai. We would travel to different villages around central thailand to partner with the peacemakers or church of that region. While there we would use soccer as a platform to get the people of the town connected with the church.
This trip was a super blessing to myself and I am sure the other guys as well. The time in this region was very heavy though. This is an area with a very very small Christian influence. This region is a poorer region than Bangkok. It is mostly farmers and small shop owners. The region is mostly filled with very devout Buddhist.
I was especially touched by the commitment and patience that the Thai Christians and missionaries show in this region. There is a lot of work and not much reaping. But that does not mean God is not working in this region. He is doing some really cool stuff through this soccer ministry.
The one major thing I learned from this trip is the importance of prayer. There is so much spiritual warfare going on in this region that it is extremely overwhelming for the Christians there. Pray for them. Pray for the people they encounter. But most importantly, pray that God would continue to be glorified through all he does.
School starts next tuesday. Pray that I would continue to rock in the classroom for God. Also, pray that I would actually be a better teacher this year. Here are some photos to entice your imagination. That golden buddha is ginormous and it is on top of the mountain in Nakon Suwan. Pray for the ministry there bigtime.


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