WCCN Blog: A place to build community and share random thoughts as we ignite a holy passion for God in Worcester among college students

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

too blessed to be stressed?

ha, i found a button that yearb says was his (but he so generously gives to me now!) that says, 'too blessed to be stressed.' now i'm pretty firm in that most or all stress is unmerited, thus sinful, so i wonder. why would God allow for finals? well, i don't think that's far from my belief stated above. stress 'caused' by finals is either a result of lack of preparedness or lack of faith in the abilities handed me by God. hmm. so, where's the line between faith and preparation for such? there isn't one, so don't comment telling me you've figured it out. :) i have little point in saying these things than to let you in on a little secret from a tenured scholastic failure: have fun in college, and forget about your gpa. it won't matter in eternity!....j/k, it does matter. i once heard a guy say that i'm not to be a college student who happens to be a Christian, but rather a Christain who happens to be a college student, but he went on to show me that God put me there for his glorification ( i kinda missed that part though), therefore, i need to get on it with my scholastics. it took 4 1/2 years to get what he said to me. this, i have found, is all encompassing of life! God allows you to be where you are only because he wants to be praised in it. ask yourself, 'am what i am doing glorifying God?' if the answer is 'no,' then don't be stressed. find yourself asking God to schedule your time, then you'll see that you'll be too bless to be stressed! he's given you the ability!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not gonna lie, I was quite ticked when I read this and did not have any sort of epiphany. Not that it is T.S.'s fault, but that I was told to read it in order to make myself feel better about my stress. It was just a bunch a words and a bunch of words I had already heard before. These same words were running through my head as I stressed more and more about everything I could possibly worry about. What was I doing wrong? I was reading the bible for a study break, I was asking God "how am I gloifying you by writing this paper?" and I was praying. So what else could I have done to keep me sane? Meditate. I should have taken something I had read that morning and meditated on it as I wrote my paper. I couldn't "feel" God with my as I struggled to write 14 pages. I was completely stressed out. Not only annoyed with everyone I came in contact with, but also with myself. I felt I had completely lost touch with God (and boy was I scared!). I asked people to pray for me, yet I still felt like crap. Today I read a chapter from The Purpose Driven Life which talked about being best friends with God. And as everyone is leaving for the summer (or forever) I begin to question friendships. What is the point if we are all going to leave each other at some point? There are some good points, but it hurts knowing we will all lose contact. Yet, God's friendship is the only one that truely matters. Meditating on His word brings me closer to Him and allows God to talk to me. I sure do a lot of talking to Him. This new concept (which I had heard about but never really understood) will allow me to draw closer to God. And I am SO excited! Thanks for your prayers and sorry to all my friends to whom I have been completely rude. Yay Jesus!

6:06 PM


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